For the last few years, Python is one of the fastest-growing and most popular programming languages among beginners. Compared to most programming languages, it has a relatively easier syntax to learn. After learning the basics, the best way to gain some confidence is by making some real-world applications. Here we present you a list of 20 python projects for beginners with problem statements and full source code.
We know that there are hundreds of great python project ideas to boost your knowledge but we carefully selected a few of them to increase your knowledge. Practice your coding skills with these easy and fun projects, build your resume, or make these for your assignment. So, let’s get started!
20 Amazing Python Projects for Beginners
Python programming language is the most used programming language in the world right now. But learning it is not that easy. You can spend lots of time reading books and watching tutorials but the real struggle will be to put this python knowledge into practice. Then, the question arises what will be a feasible solution to learning python programming easily and quickly?
The answer is by practicing beginner-level python projects. Through this, you will learn to do what you wish to do. Project-Based learning is will help you to put your python knowledge into practice and also you can easily know your mistakes and improvements.
If this is your first time making any type of coding project, we highly recommend starting with something that is easy to implement as well as something that you are interested in. You will face some challenges while making them but that is where the fun lies and that will make you a master in programming.
Here are python projects that are suitable to start practicing their newly learned programming skills:
01) Guessing Game
This is one of the simple python projects for beginners but still the interesting one. In this project, we will create a program in which the system will choose a random number between any ranges defined, and then the user is given a hint to guess the number. Every time the user guesses the number wrongly, he is given another clue leading him toward the answer. The clue can be of any type like smaller, greater, multiples, dividers, etc.
We will also need a function for checking whether the input is correct or not and to check the difference between the original number and the number guessed.
The code for the Guessing Game is given below:
import random number = random.randint(1, 10) player_name = input("Hello, What's your name?") number_of_guesses = 0 print('okay! '+ player_name+ ' I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10:') while number_of_guesses < 5: guess = int(input()) number_of_guesses += 1 if guess < number: print('Your guess is too low') if guess > number: print('Your guess is too high') if guess == number: break if guess == number: print('You guessed the number in ' + str(number_of_guesses) + ' tries!') else: print('You did not guess the number, The number was ' + str(number))
okay! Shivali I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10: 3 Your guess is too low 5 Your guess is too low 7 You guessed the number in 3 tries!
02) Interactive Dictionary
It is always tedious work to find the meaning of a word in the dictionary, isn’t it? But what if you create your dictionary which can find you the meaning of the word just in a few seconds? You can build an interactive dictionary using python language by just using basic concepts like JSON, functions, and conditional statements.
Also, we can add the function to check the close matches of the word that the user inputted if he made an error in typing or spelling. You will need a JSON file for the data which will contain the word and its meaning and then upload that file to find the correct meaning of the word user searched.
The code for Interactive Dictionary is given below:
import json from difflib import get_close_matches with open('E:\python files/data.json') as f: data = json.load(f) def translate(word): word = word.lower() if word in data: return data[word] elif word.title() in data: return data[word.title()] elif word.upper() in data: return data[word.upper()] elif len(get_close_matches(word, data.keys())) > 0: print("do you want to find %s" %get_close_matches(word, data.keys())[0]) decide = input("press y for yes and n for no") if decide == "y": return data[get_close_matches(word, data.keys())[0]] elif decide == "n": return("Wrong search!! Please try again") else: return("Wrong input! Please enter y or n") else: print("Wrong search!! Please try again") word = input("Enter the word you want to search") output = translate(word) if type(output) == list: for item in output: print(item) else: print(output)
Enter the word you want to search cotton Fiber obtained from plants of the genus Gossypium, used in making fabrics, cordage, and padding and for producing artificial fibers and cellulose. A shrub of the genus Gossypium is known for the soft fibers that protect its seeds.
03) Dice Rolling Simulator
As the name of the program suggests, this project will be imitating a rolling dice. This python project will generate a random number each time the dice is rolled and also the user can repeat this program as long as he wants. The program is projected in such a way that when the user rolls a die, the program will generate a random number between 1 and 6.
The program will use the in-build function to generate the random number for rolling dice. It will also ask the user if they wish to roll the dice again. So, what are you waiting for? Start building your dice simulator.
The code for Dice Simulator is given below:
import random x = "y" while x == "y": # Gnenerates a random number # between 1 and 6 (including # both 1 and 6) no = random.randint(1,6) if no == 1: print("[-----]") print("[ ]") print("[ 0 ]") print("[ ]") print("[-----]") if no == 2: print("[-----]") print("[ 0 ]") print("[ ]") print("[ 0 ]") print("[-----]") if no == 3: print("[-----]") print("[ ]") print("[0 0 0]") print("[ ]") print("[-----]") if no == 4: print("[-----]") print("[0 0]") print("[ ]") print("[0 0]") print("[-----]") if no == 5: print("[-----]") print("[0 0]") print("[ 0 ]") print("[0 0]") print("[-----]") if no == 6: print("[-----]") print("[0 0 0]") print("[ ]") print("[0 0 0]") print("[-----]") x=input("press y to roll again and n to exit:") print("\n")
Dice stimulator [------] [0 0] [ ] [0 0] [------] press y to roll again and n to exit:y [-----] [ 0 ] [ ] [ 0 ] [-----] press y to roll again and n to exit:n
04) Anagram Game
An anagram of a word is another word obtained by shuffling its letters. For example, race and care anagrams of each other. So, we will create a project for such an anagram game using python language which will show the anagram of any word the user input.
The basic idea of the project will be to read the file that contains word random words from the dictionary, shuffle it, and ask the user to guess the correct word from its anagram by giving hints. Also, we will reduce the number of guesses that the user is provided with.
The code for Anagram Game is given below:
import json import random with open('E:\python files/data.json') as f: data = json.load(f) def word_prompt(data, length): all_words = list(data.keys()) while True: word = random.choice(all_words) if len(word) < length and len(word) > 2: return word def shuffle_word(word): array = list(word) shuffled = word while True: random.shuffle(array) shuffled = ''.join(array) if shuffled != word: return shuffled print("Welcome to the Anagram Game!") while(True): word = word_prompt(data, 5) question = shuffle_word(word) meaning = data[word] question = question.lower() word = word.lower() print("\nSolve:", question) print("Hint:", meaning) for i in range(5, 0, -1): print("\nAttempts Left:", i) guess = input('Make a guess: ').lower() if guess == word: print("Correct!") break if i == 1: print("\nCorrect Answer:", word) choice = input("\nContinue? [y/n]: ") print('-'*50) if choice == 'n': print("\nThank you for playing!") break
Welcome to the Anagram Game! Solve: ifra Hint: ['The way it should be.', 'Characterized by equity or fairness.'] Attempts Left: 5 Make a guess: fari Attempts Left: 4 Make a guess: fair Correct! Continue? [y/n]: n
05) Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
We have always played rock, and paper scissors game with our playmates. But what if your playmate is not available? Then you can play rock, paper, scissors along with your computer that is designed by you. It is one of the most fun python project ideas for beginners to build their skills.
In this program, we will use a random function for generating the random output by the computer side. The user will make the first move and then the program makes one. Then a function will check the validity of the move. At last, we will display the result and ask the user to play again or not.
The code for Rock, Paper, Scissors Game is as given below:
from random import randint #create a list of play options t = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"] #assign a random play to the computer computer = t[randint(0,2)] #set player to False player = False while player == False: #set player to True player = input("Rock, Paper, Scissors?") if player == computer: print("Tie!") elif player == "Rock": if computer == "Paper": print("You lose!", computer, "covers", player) else: print("You win!", player, "smashes", computer) elif player == "Paper": if computer == "Scissors": print("You lose!", computer, "cut", player) else: print("You win!", player, "covers", computer) elif player == "Scissors": if computer == "Rock": print("You lose...", computer, "smashes", player) else: print("You win!", player, "cut", computer) else: print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!") #player was set to True, but we want it to be False so the loop continues player = False computer = t[randint(0,2)]
Rock, Paper, Scissors?Paper You win! Paper covers Rock Rock, Paper, Scissors?Rock Tie!
06) Hangman Game
It is always fun to build a game using python programming. This project involves the same. Hangman Game or more like a “guess the word” game is the best program for good interactive learning.
Here, the user will have to guess an alphabet to complete a word, and also each user will have a limited number of chances to guess a letter. The programmer can create the preorganized list of words to be finished and then include a specific function to check whether the user has guessed the correct letter if yes then include that letter to word for finishing the default word and if the guesswork is not true then reducing the count of chances to guess further.
While developing this python project you will learn the core concepts like variables, characters, strings, lists, conditional statements, loops, and functions. Also, the concept of the counter variable is used to limit the number of guesses.
The code for Hangman Game is given below:
import random def hangman(): word = random.choice(["ironman" , "hulk" , "thor" , "captainamerica" , "clint" , "loki" , "avengers" , "nick" , "phil" , "maria" ]) validLetters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' turns = 10 guessmade = '' while len(word) > 0: main = "" missed = 0 for letter in word: if letter in guessmade: main = main + letter else: main = main + "_" + " " if main == word: print(main) print("You win!") break print("Guess the word:" , main) guess = input() if guess in validLetters: guessmade = guessmade + guess else: print("Enter a valid character") guess = input() if guess not in word: turns = turns - 1 if turns == 9: print("9 turns left") print(" -------- ") if turns == 8: print("8 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" O ") if turns == 7: print("7 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" O ") print(" | ") if turns == 6: print("6 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" O ") print(" | ") print(" / ") if turns == 5: print("5 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" O ") print(" | ") print(" / \ ") if turns == 4: print("4 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" \ O ") print(" | ") print(" / \ ") if turns == 3: print("3 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" \ O / ") print(" | ") print(" / \ ") if turns == 2: print("2 turns left") print(" -------- ") print(" \ O /| ") print(" | ") print(" / \ ") if turns == 1: print("1 turns left") print("Last breaths counting, Take care!") print(" -------- ") print(" \ O_|/ ") print(" | ") print(" / \ ") if turns == 0: print("You loose") print("You let a kind man die") print(" -------- ") print(" O_| ") print(" /|\ ") print(" / \ ") break name = input("Enter your name") print("Welcome" , name ) print("-------------------") print("try to guess the word in less than 10 attempts") hangman() print()
Welcome Shivali ------------------- try to guess the word in less than 10 attempts Guess the word: _ _ _ _ n 9 turns left -------- Guess the word: _ _ _ _ h Guess the word: h_ _ _ t 8 turns left -------- O Guess the word: h_ _ _ r 7 turns left -------- O | Guess the word: h_ _ _ l Guess the word: h_ l_ o 6 turns left -------- O | / Guess the word: h_ l_ e 5 turns left -------- O | / \ Guess the word: h_ l_ k Guess the word: h_ lk i 4 turns left -------- \ O | / \ Guess the word: h_ lk u hulk You win!
07) Tic-Tac-Toe
We all have interesting memories of playing tic-tac-toe with our friends, don’t we? This is the most fun and interesting game to play anywhere, all you need is a pen and paper. We can create such tic-tac-toe using python programming just by applying some core concepts.
We will create a 3x3 grid just like the traditional method. Then we will ask the user to put ‘X’ at any of the grid and respond accordingly by placing ‘O’ in the remaining places. Also, we will try to put ‘O’ in the program to create the vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines as because whoever does that first will win the game and the message will be displayed.
Here the concepts of python that we will use are user define functions, conditional statements, loops, lists, variables, range, etc.
The code for Tic-Tac-Toe is given below:
board = [' ' for x in range(10)] def insertLetter(letter,pos): board[pos] = letter def spaceIsFree(pos): return board[pos] == ' ' def printBoard(board): print(' | | ') print(' ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] + ' | ' + board[3]) print(' | | ') print('------------') print(' | | ') print(' ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] + ' | ' + board[6]) print(' | | ') print('------------') print(' | | ') print(' ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] + ' | ' + board[9]) print(' | | ') def isBoardFull(board): if board.count(' ') > 1: return False else: return True def IsWinner(b,l): return ((b[1] == l and b[2] == l and b[3] == l) or (b[4] == l and b[5] == l and b[6] == l) or (b[7] == l and b[8] == l and b[9] == l) or (b[1] == l and b[4] == l and b[7] == l) or (b[2] == l and b[5] == l and b[8] == l) or (b[3] == l and b[6] == l and b[9] == l) or (b[1] == l and b[5] == l and b[9] == l) or (b[3] == l and b[5] == l and b[7] == l)) def playerMove(): run = True while run: move = input("please select a position to enter the X between 1 to 9") try: move = int(move) if move > 0 and move < 10: if spaceIsFree(move): run = False insertLetter('X' , move) else: print('Sorry, this space is occupied') else: print('please type a number between 1 and 9') except: print('Please type a number') def computerMove(): possibleMoves = [x for x , letter in enumerate(board) if letter == ' ' and x != 0 ] move = 0 for let in ['O' , 'X']: for i in possibleMoves: boardcopy = board[:] boardcopy[i] = let if IsWinner(boardcopy, let): move = i return move cornersOpen = [] for i in possibleMoves: if i in [1 , 3 , 7 , 9]: cornersOpen.append(i) if len(cornersOpen) > 0: move = selectRandom(cornersOpen) return move if 5 in possibleMoves: move = 5 return move edgesOpen = [] for i in possibleMoves: if i in [2,4,6,8]: edgesOpen.append(i) if len(edgesOpen) > 0: move = selectRandom(edgesOpen) return move def selectRandom(li): import random ln = len(li) r = random.randrange(0,ln) return li[r] def main(): print("Welcome to the game!") printBoard(board) while not(isBoardFull(board)): if not(IsWinner(board , 'O')): playerMove() printBoard(board) else: print("sorry you loose!") break if not(IsWinner(board , 'X')): move = computerMove() if move == 0: print(" ") else: insertLetter('O' , move) print('computer placed an o on position' , move , ':') printBoard(board) else: print("you win!") break if isBoardFull(board): print("Tie game") while True: x = input("Do you want to play again? (y/n)") if x.lower() == 'y': board = [' ' for x in range(10)] print('--------------------') main() else: break
Do you want to play again? (y/n)y -------------------- Welcome to the game! | | | | | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------ | | | | | | please select a position to enter the X between 1 to 9 1 | | X | | | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------ | | | | | | computer placed an o on position 9 : | | X | | | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------ | | | | O | | please select a position to enter the X between 1 to 9 3 | | X | | X | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------ | | | | O | | computer placed an o on position 2 : | | X | O | X | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------ | | | | O | | please select a position to enter the X between 1 to 9 4 | | X | O | X | | ------------ | | X | | | | ------------ | | | | O | | computer placed an o on position 7 : | | X | O | X | | ------------ | | X | | | | ------------ | | O | | O | | please select a position to enter the X between 1 to 9 5 | | X | O | X | | ------------ | | X | X | | | ------------ | | O | | O | | computer placed an o on position 8 : | | X | O | X | | ------------ | | X | X | | | ------------ | | O | O | O | | sorry you loose!
08) Snake Game
The snake game is a classic arcade game where the player controls a snake that moves around the screen, trying to eat food while avoiding obstacles and its own tail. The snake grows in length each time it eats food, making it more difficult to navigate and maneuver. The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by eating as much food as possible without crashing into an obstacle or the snake's own tail.
Here is the code for the Snake Game project:
import pygame import random pygame.init() white = (255, 255, 255) yellow = (255, 255, 102) black = (0, 0, 0) red = (213, 50, 80) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (50, 153, 213) disp_width = 600 disp_height = 400 dis = pygame.display.set_mode((disp_width, disp_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Snake Game') clock = pygame.time.Clock() snake_block = 10 snake_speed = 25 font_style = pygame.font.SysFont("bahnschrift", 25) score_font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 35) def Your_score(score): value = score_font.render("Your Score: " + str(score), True, yellow) dis.blit(value, [0, 0]) def our_snake(snake_block, snake_list): for x in snake_list: pygame.draw.rect(dis, black, [x[0], x[1], snake_block, snake_block]) def message(msg, color): mesg = font_style.render(msg, True, color) dis.blit(mesg, [disp_width / 6, disp_height / 3]) def gameLoop(): game_over = False game_close = False x1 = disp_width / 2 y1 = disp_height / 2 x1_change = 0 y1_change = 0 snake_List = [] Length_of_snake = 1 foodx = round(random.randrange(0, disp_width - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 foody = round(random.randrange(0, disp_height - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 while not game_over: while game_close == True: dis.fill(blue) message("You Lost! Press C-Play Again or Q-Quit", red) Your_score(Length_of_snake - 1) pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_q: game_over = True game_close = False if event.key == pygame.K_c: gameLoop() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_over = True if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: x1_change = -snake_block y1_change = 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: x1_change = snake_block y1_change = 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: y1_change = -snake_block x1_change = 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: y1_change = snake_block x1_change = 0 if x1 >= disp_width or x1 < 0 or y1 >= disp_height or y1 < 0: game_close = True x1 += x1_change y1 += y1_change dis.fill(blue) pygame.draw.rect(dis, green, [foodx, foody, snake_block, snake_block]) snake_Head = [] snake_Head.append(x1) snake_Head.append(y1) snake_List.append(snake_Head) if len(snake_List) > Length_of_snake: del snake_List[0] for x in snake_List[:-1]: if x == snake_Head: game_close = True our_snake(snake_block, snake_List) Your_score(Length_of_snake - 1) pygame.display.update() if x1 == foodx and y1 == foody: foodx = round(random.randrange(0, disp_width - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 foody = round(random.randrange(0, disp_height - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 Length_of_snake += 1 clock.tick(snake_speed) pygame.quit() quit() gameLoop()
09) Number Guessing
The number-guessing game is a simple game where one player thinks of a number and the other player tries to guess the number. The player who is thinking of the number will provide hints to the other player, such as whether the guess is too high or too low, to help them narrow down the possibilities and eventually guess the correct number.
Here is the code for the Number Guessing project:
import random attempts_list = [] def score(): if len(attempts_list) <= 0: print("There is currently no high score, it's yours for the taking!") else: print("The current high score is {} attempts".format(min(attempts_list))) def game(): random_number = int(random.randint(1, 10)) print("Hello traveler! Welcome to the game of guesses!") player_name = input("What is your name? ") wanna_play = input("Hi, {}, would you like to play the guessing game? (Enter Yes/No) ".format(player_name)) # Where the score function USED to be attempts = 0 score() while wanna_play.lower() == "yes": try: guess = input("Pick a number between 1 and 10 ") if int(guess) < 1 or int(guess) > 10: raise ValueError("Please guess a number within the given range") if int(guess) == random_number: print("Nice! You got it!") attempts += 1 attempts_list.append(attempts) print("It took you {} attempts".format(attempts)) play_again = input("Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No) ") attempts = 0 score() random_number = int(random.randint(1, 10)) if play_again.lower() == "no": print("That's cool, have a good one!") break elif int(guess) > random_number: print("It's lower") attempts += 1 elif int(guess) < random_number: print("It's higher") attempts += 1 except ValueError as err: print("Oh no!, that is not a valid value. Try again...") print("({})".format(err)) else: print("That's cool, have a good one!") if __name__ == '__main__': game()
Hello traveler! Welcome to the game of guesses! What is your name? Ab Hi, Ab, would you like to play the guessing game? (Enter Yes/No) Yes There is currently no high score, it's yours for the taking! Pick a number between 1 and 10 5 It took you 1 attempts Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No) Yes The current high score is 1 attempts It's higher Pick a number between 1 and 10 6 It took you 2 attempts Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No) Yes The current high score is 1 attempts It's higher Pick a number between 1 and 10 10 Nice! You got it! It took you 2 attempts Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No) No The current high score is 1 attempts That's cool, have a good one!
10) Mad Libs Generator
Mad Libs is a word game where players supply words to fill in blanks in a story or sentence, typically with funny or amusing results. A Mad Libs generator is a tool that can be used to automatically create Mad Libs stories. To use a Mad Libs generator, the user typically inputs various types of words, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and the generator will use these words to fill in the blanks in a pre-written story or sentence. The resulting Mad Libs story will often be humorous and nonsensical.
Here is the code for the Mad Libs Generator:
noun = input("Choose a noun: ") p_noun = input("Choose a plural noun: ") noun2 = input("Choose a noun: ") place = input("Name a place: ") adjective = input("Choose an adjective (Describing word): ") noun3 = input("Choose a noun: ") print ("------------------------------------------") print ("Be kind to your",noun,"- footed", p_noun) print ("For a duck may be somebody's", noun2,",") print ("Be kind to your",p_noun,"in",place) print ("Where the weather is always",adjective,".") print () print ("You may think that is this the",noun3,",") print ("Well it is.") print ("------------------------------------------")
Choose a noun: Goat Choose a plural noun: Houses Choose a noun: Mobile Name a place: Italy Choose an adjective (Describing word): Hot Choose a noun: Man ------------------------------------------ Be kind to your Goat - footed Houses For a duck may be somebody's Mobile , Be kind to your Houses in Italy Where the weather is always Hot . You may think that is this the Man , Well it is. ------------------------------------------
11) Calculator
This is one of the most simple python projects for beginners. In this, we will create a basic calculator that can perform 4 operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We will use the concepts of functions and function calling and returning values from functions.
Here is the code for the simple calculator:
def addition (): print("Addition") n = float(input("Enter the number: ")) b = float(input("Enter the second number: ")) return n+b def subtraction (): print("Subtraction"); n = float(input("Enter the number: ")) b = float(input("Enter the second number: ")) return n-b def multiplication (): print("Multiplication") n = float(input("Enter the number: ")) b = float(input("Enter the second number: ")) return n*b def division(): n = float(input("Enter the number: ")) b = float(input("Enter the second number: ")) return n/b # main... while True: res = [] print(" My calculator") print(" Enter 'a' for addition") print(" Enter 's' for substraction") print(" Enter 'm' for multiplication") print(" Enter 'd' for division") print(" Enter 'q' for quit") c = input(" ") if c != 'q': if c == 'a': res = addition() print("Ans = ", res) elif c == 's': res = subtraction() print("Ans = ", res) elif c == 'm': res = multiplication() print("Ans = ", res) elif c == 'd': res = division() print("Ans = ", res) else: print ("Quitting...") break
My calculator Enter 'a' for addition Enter 's' for substraction Enter 'm' for multiplication Enter 'd' for division Enter 'q' for quit a Addition Enter the number: 25 Enter the second number: 36 Ans = 61.0 My calculator Enter 'a' for addition Enter 's' for substraction Enter 'm' for multiplication Enter 'd' for division Enter 'q' for quit m Multiplication Enter the number: 45 Enter the second number: 48 Ans = 2160.0 My calculator Enter 'a' for addition Enter 's' for substraction Enter 'm' for multiplication Enter 'd' for division Enter 'q' for quit q Quitting...
12) Countdown Timer
This program is a countdown timer that counts down from a given number of seconds. It uses the time module, which is useful to know about and easy to use. When the countdown reaches 0, the program displays a message "Lift Off".
Here is the code for the Countdown Timer:
import time def countdown(t): while t: mins, secs = divmod(t, 60) timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs) print(timer, end="\n") time.sleep(1) t -= 1 print('Lift off!') t = input("Enter the time in seconds: ") countdown(int(t))
Enter the time in seconds: 5 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 Lift off!
13) Value Converter
A value converter is a type of program that allows you to convert one value from one format or data type to another. For example, a value converter might be able to convert a temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit or convert a date from one calendar format to another.
Here is the code for the Value Converter:
def convert_temperature(): print("\nWhich conversion do you want to choose:-") print("1. Celsius to Faranheit") print("2. Faranheit to Celsius") choice = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if choice == 1: temp = float(input("Enter temperature in celsius: ")) print(f"{temp} degree celsius is equal to {(temp*9/5)+32} degree faranheit.\n") elif choice == 2: temp = float(input("Enter temperature in faranheit: ")) print(f"{temp} degree faranheit is equal to {(temp-32)*5/9} degree celsius.\n") else: print("Invalid input...please try again\n") def convert_currency(): print("\nWhich conversion do you want to choose:-") print("1. Dollar to pound") print("2. Pound to Dollar") choice = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if choice == 1: value = float(input("Enter currency in dollars: ")) print(f"{value} dollars in pounds will be {value*0.73}\n") elif choice == 2: value = float(input("Enter currency in pounds: ")) print(f"{value} pounds in dollars will be {value/0.73}\n") def convert_lengths(): print("\nWhich conversion do you want to choose:-") print("1. Centimeters to foot and inches") print("2. Foot and inches to centimeter") choice = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if choice == 1: value = float(input("Enter length in cm: ")) inches = value/2.54 feet = inches/12 print(f"{value} centimeters in equal to {feet} feet and {inches} inch\n") elif choice == 2: feet = float(input("Enter length in feet: ")) inches = float(input("Enter length in inches: ")) length = (feet*12 + inches)*2.54 print(f"{feet} feet and {inches} inches in centimeters will be {length}\n") print("===== Welcome to Value Converter =====") while 1: print("Which option would you like to choose:-") print("1. Convert temperature") print("2. Convert currency") print("3. Convert lengths") print("4. Exit") choice = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if choice == 1: convert_temperature() elif choice == 2: convert_currency() elif choice == 3: convert_lengths() elif choice == 4: print('Exiting...') exit(0)
===== Welcome to Value Converter ===== Which option would you like to choose:- 1. Convert temperature 2. Convert currency 3. Convert lengths 4. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Which conversion do you want to choose:- 1. Celsius to Faranheit 2. Faranheit to Celsius Enter your choice: 1 Enter temperature in celsius: 54 54.0 degree celsius is equal to 129.2 degree faranheit. Which option would you like to choose:- 1. Convert temperature 2. Convert currency 3. Convert lengths 4. Exit Enter your choice: 4 Exiting...
14) Password Strength Checker
A password strength generator is a program that helps users create strong and secure passwords. This type of program typically uses algorithms to evaluate the strength of a given password and provide feedback to the user on how to improve it. The program may also be able to generate a strong password for the user automatically.
Strong passwords are important for protecting online accounts from hackers and other malicious actors. A good password should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Using a password strength generator can help ensure that your password is strong and secure.
Here is the code for the Password Strength Checker:
import string import getpass def check_password_strength(password): lower_alpha_count = upper_alpha_count = number_count = whitespace_count = special_char_count = 0 for char in list(password): if char in string.ascii_lowercase: lower_alpha_count += 1 elif char in string.ascii_uppercase: upper_alpha_count += 1 elif char in string.digits: number_count += 1 elif char == ' ': whitespace_count += 1 else: special_char_count += 1 strength = 0 remarks = '' if lower_alpha_count >= 1: strength += 1 if upper_alpha_count >= 1: strength += 1 if number_count >= 1: strength += 1 if whitespace_count >= 1: strength += 1 if special_char_count >= 1: strength += 1 if strength == 1: remarks = "That's a very bad password. Change it as soon as possible." elif strength == 2: remarks = "That's not a good password. You should consider making a tougher password." elif strength == 3: remarks = "Your password is okay, but it can be improved a lot" elif strength == 4: remarks = "Your password is hard to guess. But you can make it even more secure" elif strength == 5: remarks = "Now that's one hell of a strong password !!! Hackers don't have a chance guessing that password." print("Your password has:-") print(f"{lower_alpha_count} lowercase letters") print(f"{upper_alpha_count} uppercase letters") print(f"{number_count} digits") print(f'{whitespace_count} whitespaces') print(f"{special_char_count} special characters") print(f"Password score: {strength}/5") print(f"Remarks: {remarks}") print("===== Welcome to Password Strength Checker =====") while 1: choice = input("Do you want to check a password's strength (y/n) : ") if 'y' in choice.lower(): password = getpass.getpass("Enter the password: ") check_password_strength(password) elif 'n' in choice.lower(): print('Exiting...') break else: print('Invalid input...please try again.') print()
===== Welcome to Password Strength Checker ===== Do you want to check a password's strength (y/n) : y Enter the password: HelloW@orld2587 Your password has:- 8 lowercase letters 2 uppercase letters 4 digits 0 whitespaces 1 special characters Password score: 4/5 Remarks: Your password is hard to guess. But you can make it even more secure Do you want to check a password's strength (y/n) : n Exiting...
15) Desktop Notifier App
Have you ever wondered how the notification system in a computer, mobile phone, and desktop works? Well, this project will give you some idea of that. The desktop notifier will run on your system and send you information after a fixed time interval. It is suggested to use libraries like notify2 to build such a program in python language.
16) Python File Explorer
This project is very significant as it will test your knowledge of various python concepts. We will build an app that any person can use to explore the file in the computer system. Also, in this project, we can add features like searching and cutting, copying, and pasting.
Tkinter is the module used in python language for adding the GUI features to our program. We can use this Tkinter in this project for giving some extra effects and making it fast and easy. To create the File Explorer using Tkinter, you have to import the file dialog module from the Tkinter library. This module is used to open files and directories and save them.
17) Music Player
Everyone loves to listen to music. Using Python, you can also create a Music player app. Also, we can add a feature for exploring file directories and searching for music. This project turns out to be the best beginner-level python project by adding an interactive interface that any regular user can use.
We can have advanced interface features like allowing users to browse tracks for recent searches, increase and decrease volume, display the named genre, and artist of the song, etc. This project involves the idea of creating a program including python language, database management, and data processing.
18) Alarm Clock Project
This CLI Python application is a good project for a beginner developer. It is not just an alarm but also allows users to save YouTube links in a text file. When an alarm is set, the program randomly selects one of the saved links and plays the corresponding video. This can provide a more engaging and entertaining experience than a simple alarm sound.
19) Merger Sorting Project
This project implements the merge sort algorithm for a given input. Merge sorting is a sorting algorithm that works by dividing a list of items into smaller sublists, sorting each sublist, and then combining the sublists to create a final sorted list. This is typically done recursively, with the base case being a sublist of length 1 which is already considered sorted.
20) User Record Management System
A user record management system is a software application or set of tools that enable an organization to manage user records, such as personal information, contact details, and credentials. This can include creating, modifying, and deleting user records, as well as tracking user activity, and maintaining a history of changes.
Which python project is best to start with?
As we discussed earlier, it is always the best practice to learn python programming by building projects. So, when you decide to build the project, you have to decide what to build and this is extremely important because it will create an impact on whether it will be successful or not. But the question arises what makes a great python project for beginners? The answer to the question is as below:
- Choose a topic you’re interested in: The most important factor is to choose the topic you want to build the project on. It will always be a motivation to build a project on the topic you are interested in.
- Think about your goals: The other important factor in choosing a goal for learning python while building a project. For example, if you want to move towards being a web developer, then a simple web app will be ideal for a beginner project.
- Start Small: For beginners, it is always recommended to choose a project that is not too big. Because to build a project you will need to learn the basics knowledge required to build it. Therefore, it is best advised to start with an extremely small and simple version of your project and then add more functionality to it.
So, the real answer to which python project is best to start with differs from person to person. We will recommend starting with something like an Interactive dictionary or Calculator. But it is always wise to choose the project that can make you learn and help you practice the knowledge you have in the python language.
These projects are helpful for programming beginners to get acquainted with Python syntax and general programming concepts.
Finally, now you know about some exciting and easy python projects for beginners. Projects help in increasing the knowledge and help to know the real-time application. It is always good practice to start building the projects for whatever you learned as it helps to make your core strong and get a good command of the language. Also, these projects give light on your resume and help you to get good opportunities in the future.