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Infinity in Python: How to Represent with Inf? (with Examples)

  • Apr 03, 2023
  • 6 Minute Read
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  • By Kusum Jain
Infinity in Python: How to Represent with Inf? (with Examples)

There have many predefined data kinds and methods that simplify working with data in Python, but the fact that it can handle infinite numbers is a cool trait. The unique number value infinity stands for an amount that exceeds all possible limited numbers. In this article, we will discuss Python's Infinity, its symbol, and its uses.

Whether you're just starting out or are already an expert, you'll gain valuable insight into Infinity and how to use it effectively in your own projects after reading this piece.

What is Infinity in Python?

A number without a definition, infinity can be either positive or negative. No matter what arithmetic procedure is performed on an infinite value, the outcome is always another infinite value. Algorithms that perform massive computations are frequently evaluated and optimized in computer science using the concept of infinite.

Infinity in Python is a data type that stores the largest possible numerical value. Python provides a predefined keyword (inf) that can be used to initialize a variable with an infinite value, rather than relying on an arbitrarily large number to denote an unbounded limit. It represents too large values or when the result of some mathematical operations tends towards infinity.

For a wide range of uses, Python includes built-in support for infinity, both positive and negative. float('inf') indicates positive infinity, whereas float('-inf') indicates negative infinity. 

Is there an Infinity Symbol?

Python does not have a dedicated infinity sign, but the float('inf') value can be used to symbolize infinite numbers. Whether you're working with integers or floating-point values, this value is universally interchangeable.

Here is an example of how to use float (inf) to represent infinity in Python:

a = float('inf')






What is float ('INF') in Python?

Given that infinity can take both positive and negative values, it can be represented by the floating-point values float('inf') and float('-inf'). Listed below are the steps/Algorithm that must be performed in order to achieve the intended results.

  1. You can assign a positive infinite integer number to a variable by using the float('inf') function.
  2. Show the value of infinite, which is positive.
  3. Get a negative infinite integer number with float('-inf'), and then put it in a variable.
  4. Show the negative infinite number.

Here is the code for the implementation of the float() method.

a = float('inf')

print('positive_inf:', a)

b = float('-inf')

print('negative_inf:', b)



positive_inf: infnegative_inf: -inf


Keep in mind that the float('inf') number has a very particular calculation behavior. For instance, dividing by infinite yields "0" for any finite number:

a = 70

b = float('inf')

print(a / b)





“Not a number” (NaN) numbers are also created by certain processes that involve infinity. NaN is the outcome when a mathematical procedure such as "infinity minus infinity" cannot be specified exactly.

Here is the code to demonstrate it:

a = float('inf')

b = float('inf')

print(a - b)





Python's float('inf') is a helpful tool for representing arbitrarily large or tiny values, or for dealing with circumstances in which a number can be either very large or very small.

What is Negative Infinity?

Python also provides the float('-inf') instruction to represent negative infinity. It can be used for mathematical comparisons and computations, as well as to represent values that are too minuscule to be represented by other numerical types.

When used for calculations, -inf is equivalent to value. For instance, zero results when dividing a negative limited integer by negative infinity:

a = -10

b = float('-inf')

print(a / b)





How to use math inf in Python?

Additionally, the Python mathematical module supports infinite integers. math.inf can indicate a positive infinity, whereas -math.inf can represent a negative infinity. These integers can be used as inputs or outputs in a variety of mathematical operations, such as factorization, multiplication, division, and comparison.

Here is an example of Python's math module to represent infinity

import math

a = math.inf

print ('Positive_Inf:', a)

b = -math.inf

print ('Negative_Inf:', b)



Positive_Inf: inf

Negative_Inf: -inf


How to use INF with Numpy Library?

NumPy is designed to facilitate the manipulation of numerical data. NumPy’s representation of the positive infinite is the np.inf data type. You can utilize -np.inf in the same manner as numpy.inf to represent negative infinite.

Let us look into examples of this:

import numpy as np

a = np.inf

print ('Positive_Inf:', a)

b = -np.inf

print ('Negative_Inf:', b)



Positive_Inf: infNegative_Inf: -inf


What is Python's Infinite Range?

Python also has the ability to work with infinite ranges, which can be used to symbolize an unbounded series of numbers. An endless range of values can be generated with the help of the itertools.count function, while a finite subset of an infinite range can be generated with the help of the itertools.islice function.

This capability has many potential uses, including but not limited to the generation of endless chains of random numbers and iteration over an unbounded set of values.


In conclusion, Python infinity is a potent feature that enables programmers to work with unbounded limits and values too large or small to be represented by other numerical types. We here understood everything about Infinity in Python which is crucial for any programmer who works with numerical data and has a wide spectrum of applications.

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About The Author
Kusum Jain
I am an avid coder on CodeChef, I partake in hackathons regularly. I am an independent and self-motivated student with a love for coding and experiencing new things.