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Yield Keyword in Python Explained

  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 6 Minute Read
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  • By Kusum Jain
Yield Keyword in Python Explained

Python is a flexible programming language that provides several tools to improve the functionality of code. The keyword yield is one example of this. When building generators, the yield keyword is essential since it enables programmers to quickly loop over value sequences. The yield keyword in Python, its application, and the primary distinctions between yield and return will all be covered in this guide.

What is Yield in Python?

When referring to generator functions; special functions that can produce a series of values, Python uses the yield keyword. An iterator object that may be iterated through to retrieve the generated values one at a time is returned when a generator function is called. This method of slow evaluation uses fewer resources and can handle enormous datasets including infinite sequences.

Consider the following example where we design a generator function that produces an even number sequence to better understand how yield operates:

def generate_even_numbers(n):
    for i in range(n):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            yield i

The yield keyword is used in this example to halt the function's execution and return the value (i) to the caller. When the next value is requested, the function will continue where it left off.

Let's take an example:

def countdown(n):
    print("Counting down from", n)
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

# Create a generator object
counter = countdown(5)

# Iterate over the generator and print the values
for num in counter:



We define a generator function named countdown in the aforementioned example. This function starts a while loop with the value n as an argument. The yield keyword is used inside the loop to halt the function's execution and return the caller's current value of n.

When we call countdown(5) to generate a generator object, it doesn't instantly call the function; instead, it returns an iterator object. We iterate over the generator object before running the function's code.

We run over the generator objects counter in the for loop and output each number that is yielded. The generator function is run up until the yield statement, which returns the n value now in effect, as we iterate. The function's state is saved after each iteration, enabling it to continue from the same point when a subsequent value is requested.

The output displays a countdown from 5 to 1, showing how the yield keyword enables us to quickly loop over a sequence without having to store all the data in memory at once.

Why use yield in python?

Here are some of the use cases for Python Yield:

  1. Simplified Memory Management: We can avoid storing the complete sequence in memory by employing yield and generators. When working with enormous datasets or when there are unknown or infinitely many elements, this is quite helpful.
  2. Generators support iterative processing: making it possible to manage enormous volumes of data or streams effectively. The generator processes each element individually rather than loading the entire dataset into memory at once, which conserves memory.
  3. Enhanced Performance: When working with big or dynamic datasets, the use of yield can result in enhanced performance. Unneeded computations as well as memory allocations can be avoided by creating values instantly.

What is the difference between yield and return in Python?

Although functions can give values back to the caller via yield and return, there are some key distinctions between the two:

  • Several Values: A generator function can utilise yield several times to produce a succession of values as opposed to return, which ends the function and returns a single value.
  • Stateful Execution: A generator function returns an iterator object when it is called. The function's state is saved each time the yield keyword is used, enabling it to continue from the same position when the next value is requested. A function without a return, on the other hand, runs continuously without preserving its state.

Python yield and return in same function

In Python, yield and return statements are both permissible in generator functions. A stop iteration exception is raised and the function is terminated when a return statement is encountered. The generator function can, however, operate as an infinite generator until stopped or exhausted if the return statement is omitted.

A generator function can also return several values when the yield keyword is used. We may easily create sophisticated data structures or iterate over many sequences at once by yielding multiple values.

def generate_coordinates():
    cities = ["New York", "London", "Tokyo"]
    temperatures = [20, 18, 25]
    for city, temperature in zip(cities, temperatures):
        yield city, temperature

Python's yield keyword offers a potent mechanism for building generators and effectively iterating over sequences. Developers may optimise memory use, boost performance, and efficiently manage huge datasets by learning how to use yield. Furthermore, by understanding the distinctions between yield and return, programmers may use these features effectively in their code, increasing the utility and adaptability of their Python systems.


In conclusion, the yield keyword in Python is a powerful tool that allows developers to create more memory-friendly code by turning functions into generators.

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About The Author
Kusum Jain
I am an avid coder on CodeChef, I partake in hackathons regularly. I am an independent and self-motivated student with a love for coding and experiencing new things.