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20 Awesome C++ Projects for Beginners to Practice 2024

  • Jan 04, 2024
  • 12 Minutes Read
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  • By Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
20 Awesome C++ Projects for Beginners to Practice 2024

The best way to get started with any language is to build some C++ projects for beginners. Skimming through a book or online tutorials adds a lot of knowledge worth having, but that’s no real way to pick up real skills. The only way to know how the features of C++ operate behind the scenes is to practice some code.

One thing that most folks have a problem with while starting is selecting their first project. With the increasing demand and an average annual salary of $103-163K for a C++ developer, students know that there is a large number of opportunities out there.  

These C++ practice projects can help one know the basics of the programming language and build up a resume worthy of showing recruiters. This helps in getting a worthy internship or job later on (which is even more relevant for people without a background in computers).

All these beginner-level C++ projects are super fun and easy to start with!

Importance of C++ in Industry

Most ’90s computer science graduates started their lives programming with C. If we see it properly, the introduction of modern-day programming concepts to C defined the modern programming language of C++.

C++ is used in the production of many of the modern-day popular software that we use every day. Even a portion of many of the modern-day operating systems have been built using C++. Guess what? Even current compilers and interpreters for other programming languages like Java, Python, and even JavaScript are built using it!

It’s almost the perfect language to start with if you want to get into programming, or if you simply want to add a versatile language to your skillset. According to the TIOBE, C++ ranked in 3rd position to be the most popular programming language last year.

There are many reasons for starting with a language as versatile as C++. It has the big advantage of offering features to flexibly work with memory allocation and de-allocation effectively. It is also very close to the hardware while having modern-day features which is an improvement over its predecessor, C. 

And don't forget that C++ has one of the largest and friendliest programming communities around the globe. If you need any help, you can easily find it. We also provide instant C++ help from top experts.

Top 20 C++ Projects for Beginners

If you’re one of the folks who are in a dilemma as to how to kick-start your project-based learning, you’re not alone. A lot of people around the globe who want to get into programming face the same issue when they start.

That’s exactly why we have prepared a comprehensive list of C++ projects for beginners to practice their coding skills. Anyone with a basic understanding of the language should be able to accomplish this.

  1. Currency Converter
  2. Credit Card Validator
  3. Digital Calculator
  4. Tic-Tac-Toe
  5. Stopwatch
  6. Student Management
  7. Hotel Management
  8. Digital Piano
  9. Address Handbook
  10. Search Engine
  11. Billing System
  12. Pacman Game
  13. Traffic Management System
  14. 3D Bounce Ball Game
  15. Bank Management System
  16. Face Detection App
  17. Basic Library Management System
  18. Simple Paint Program
  19. Task Scheduler/Reminder
  20. Puzzle Solver (e.g., Sudoku)

Let's talk about each project idea in-depth below on how to build them.

1) Currency Converter

currency converter project for c++ beginners

One of the best ways to revise basic concepts is to build a simple Currency Converter tool. We have to do is take input of the currency required and display the other currency by multiplying or dividing it with exchange rates accordingly. It is a very simple C++ project for beginners.

There also needs to be a way to customize the currencies from some sort of menu or dropdown. A converter should have some validation to ensure that the conversion works only on numeric data. An error should be displayed for invalid data accordingly.

One addition that the project demands is the value of the currency for conversion.  Data for the conversion can be fetched from an external file. A static file is easy but you can improve it in the future. You can fetch data from the Internet, which will give a more accurate result, but you need to know networking concepts.

2) Credit Card Validator

In this digital world where e-commerce is ruling the roost, credit cards are everywhere. Most payment gateways use some sort of validation mechanism for credit card data before proceeding with the payment. What if there was software to perform this validation from the get-go?

The validation works differently for different cards, so determining what type of card it is and then checking if the number entered is a valid credit card number or not is the way to go. Authorization and Authentication are always the core and the pre-part occurs before any payment gateway or transactions.

If things become a bit too complicated from the get-go, it’s okay to implement a drop-down or menu for selecting which type of card to check against. This project is extremely simplistic in terms of design but will require some knowledge of algorithms if one proceeds with building it.

3) Digital Calculator

This is one project you probably expected to see on the list, didn’t you? One of the easiest C++ project ideas for beginners to get started with is a calculator. It will be a menu-driven program where the outputs will be provided by the user.

It helps reinforce some of the basic concepts of C++, especially that of data types and decision-making statements. The project needs validation for the inputs so that the calculation only happens if the data inserted is numerical by nature.

Also, there’s some concept of data handling or the handling of data of a particular size. The bigger the number, the bigger the data type needed to handle it. Handling it appropriately will also require some skill; something that will go a long way in helping one secure an internship/job in the future.

4) Tic-Tac-Toe

tic tac toe C++ practice project

C++ is used for the production of a majority of gaming software around the planet. The world’s most powerful gaming engine, the Unreal Engine, is powered by C++. No doubt building a simple game in C++ will help show off your skills in a big way. What could be more basic than the tic-tac-toe game?

Tic-Tac-Toe itself isn’t very difficult to implement. However, it does help one revisit algorithms. You have to come up with the logic for deciding the winner while continuously swapping players when one player has played their move is going to take some time to implement.

Want to make things a bit more complex? Use the socket library to make the game a multiplayer game that can be played over the Internet by two players. This might not seem very easy, but it will help boost one’s networking concepts in a big way. It is also a great idea for a fun Python project for beginners.

5) Stopwatch

One of the easiest ways to get started in C++ is to start with work in GUI-based applications; stuff that doesn’t have too much functionality, to begin with. That’s exactly why something like a timer or a stopwatch has graced the list.

It’s easy to build and helps one brush up on their basics with the graphics library that comes with C++. One can create their class for manipulating time or simply go with the predefined classes given within the language. Time should be counted down with a periodic function that keeps executing every second.

The GUI could be made as feature-rich as possible to help make the project look more appealing. The option to store past recordings in some files or simply display them in the application is an improvement that can be implemented pretty easily.

6) Student Management System

If things are going smoothly till now, it’s time to take it up a notch. Most projects are pretty straightforward in what they accomplish. There are some, however, where the requirements are variable and can be designed as needed. The more functionality that one provides, the better.

An average student management system needs to consider multiple types of users (teachers and students) and allow them to do particular stuff based on the privileges granted.

Students should be able to edit their details, submit their assignments, and sit for tests set by teachers. Teachers should be able to set assignments and tests and grade students depending on their performance while being able to change their details. It is one of the most popular C++ projects among beginners.

If things get a bit too basic with this system, the addition of a third type of user (Parent) is recommended. Parents should only be able to view a student’s details and their marks – they should not be able to edit anything. That being said, it's good to add features as and when required.

7) Hotel Reservation System

hotel management is a very common c++ project for beginners

It’s not easy to come up with your features for a project, but doing that is exactly what is going to get your creative juices flowing. We’ve all been to a hotel sometime in our lives, haven’t we? How about a system to automate reservations and other details?

The system should be able to book or cancel rooms and check for the availability of rooms on the go. The only thing a user has to do is enter their details when they want to book – with proper validation for every field added.

Adding an option to book room service with a sort of “notification” to warn you at the right time would be a good practice. This helps one deal with the concept of time-based event handling; an important skill that will help in building more complicated projects later.

8) Digital Piano

If things are getting a bit too simple for you to work with, this is something that should get your creative juices flowing. The idea is to build a GUI-based project where you can click on the keys of a virtual piano and play tunes to your heart’s content. This project may look simple, but a lot of concepts are involved which are quite complicated.

Implementation of asynchronous functions as well as dealing with the various audio libraries will take some time. Asynchronous code also helps clear one’s concepts about multithreading, an important idea in today’s programming world.

This project is a mammoth in itself, helping boost one’s resume beyond belief. But if things start feeling too tame, trying to build a function to record the tunes played on the piano would help.

This rigorously puts the knowledge of audio functions gained from building the project to the test while requiring file handling to dump the recordings to the hard disk. This is quite a new C++ project idea in these times to stand out from the rest in the class or in the interview.

9) Address Book

If you need to get a quick project into your resume that not only looks good but helps boost your fundamentals of data structures, then this is the way to go. All you need to do is implement the functionality to add, update, or delete data from the address book. The project will require some knowledge of data structures.

If stuff seems a bit too easy, connect the project to a database in the background for storing details there. Connecting and updating the database with every operation performed on the front end will be a challenge for a beginner.

10) Search Engine

new idea for c++ project is making search engine.

Building a project like Search Engine would require some external research before one can proceed. Several C++ frameworks can assist with this, but learning the correct formats from their documents will take some time. This also requires you to know how to extract data from the Internet and display it.

It should be noted that this project should only be attempted once one has some level of mastery over the various concepts of programming. It might be slightly complicated by nature, but building something like this is going to help in getting that ideal job for breaking into the world of IT.

11) Billing System

Utilities that incur a fixed cost, such as water and electric bills, tend to follow a set monthly billing cycle. One way to avoid the hassle of lost or delayed bills is through the creation of an e-billing system that can sync e-wallets or banking accounts with those of recipients.

Here, you can rely on C++ to come up with a source code for the billing system which will automatically generate the bills, and process them into our billing system and the user will be notified about the due dates for payments. They can make auto-debit payments or choose to make manual payments. 

12) Pacman Game

The Pacman Game in C++ is a simple console application designed to provide entertainment. It is a fun C++ project to practice for any newcomer in the world of programming and gaming.

The Pacman Game, also known as “The Maze Game,” makes use of a predefined blue path in which the Pacman-like character should be driven so that it erases the path. As one drives the Pacman along the path, more and more of it disappears; this causes a larger score, which means the game is easy to play.

The basic idea is to create the header file which includes the source code to control the motion and direction of the Pacman as well as the path. Developing a project like the Pacman game helps you to clear the concepts of file handling and the combination of multiple files in a single project.

13) Traffic Management System

In a developing country like ours, where cities are crowded with vehicles and pedestrians, controlling the traffic can be challenging. By using sensors to automate signals with speed limits and additional safety features, we can make our roads safer and more efficient.

Additionally, this system will spare the traffic controllers from the pain of heat and sunlight between all those noises for managing the rowdy din. The projects include the controlling commands which will respond remotely depending on the traffic on the roadways.

Moreover, the C++ database will enable one to code and connect the necessary hardware that is needed for an embedded device. 

14) 3D Bounce Ball Game

It is a C++ gaming project and uses Open Graphics Library. You can implement features like playing or pausing the ball randomly, changing the count of the balls, alter the speed of balls. This project can serve as a basis for you to create more 2D and 3D gaming projects. Also, you will get an idea of the logic behind creating a game application.

15) Bank Management System 

A very common but crucial application to know of. You already have visited many web applications of multiple banks, and therefore have an idea of developing these common features like how to create a new user account, show their account details, money deposit, withdraw, and search.

This project will not only help you to understand the basic CRUD operations but also develop your file management and other-related era knowledge as well.

16) Face Detection App with C++

This project uses the OpenCV library for face detection in a live stream from webcams or in a video file stored in the local machine. Detecting and tracing the face is crucial since most of the meetings, interviews, sessions, exams, etc. are held online mode. It involves the usage of pre-trained XML classifiers.

This app can also serve you as the basis for developing the same project in some other programming language like Python as well. In the modern world, this is an amazing idea for beginners in C++.

17) Basic Library Management System

A basic library management system in C++ can be a simple yet useful project. It does not require dependencies on heavy technologies or frameworks. You can create it simply by including functionalities to manage books, borrowers, and transactions. 

This is how you can implement these in your project:

  • Book Management: Create a class to represent a book with attributes like book ID, title, author, and availability status. Implement functionalities to add books, display book details, and update availability.
  • Borrower Management: Create a class for borrowers with attributes like borrower ID, name, and borrowed book list. Implement functions to add borrowers, display borrower details, and manage borrowed books.
  • Transaction Handling: Implement functions to facilitate book borrowing and returning. Update book availability upon borrowing or returning. Manage due dates and fines for late returns.

18) Simple Paint Program

Do you miss the days of using the paint application in your school’s computer lab? This simple project will help you relive those days. A simple paint program in C++ involves creating a basic graphical user interface (GUI) for drawing shapes, lines, and colors. You can use libraries like SFML or Qt for the GUI part. 

Following is the implementation of this program:

  • Canvas Creation: Create a window or canvas where you can draw shapes and lines.
  • Drawing Tools: Implement tools for drawing different shapes (e.g., lines, circles, rectangles) using mouse interactions.
  • Color Palette: Provide options for selecting colors and fill options for shapes.
  • User Interactions: Capture mouse events (clicks, drags) to draw shapes and lines on the canvas. Handle user inputs for selecting drawing tools and colors.

19) Task Scheduler/Reminder

A simple task scheduler/reminder can also be created using C++. Using this project you can schedule all your important tasks and add reminders for them to complete them on time.

You can create a console-based application that helps you schedule tasks and reminds them when due. Let’s look at these features in-depth:

  • Task Creation: Allows you to add tasks with details such as name, description, date, and time.
  • Storage Management: Store tasks in a data structure (e.g., array, linked list) and manage task information.
  • Reminder System: Implement a feature to check the current time and remind you of upcoming tasks by displaying reminders at scheduled times.
  • User Interface: Create a user-friendly console interface to add, view, and manage your tasks.

20) Sudoku Solver

You must have played sudoku once in your childhood. Did you ever scratch your head trying to solve it but ultimately failed to do so? Now it’s time to create our sudoku solver. We can implement an algorithm to solve sudoku puzzles.

We just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Input Handling: Define data structures to represent the Sudoku grid and input the initial puzzle.
  • Solving Algorithm: Implement a backtracking algorithm or another suitable solving technique to fill in the Sudoku grid based on the rules of the game.
  • Validation: Verify if the solved puzzle adheres to the Sudoku rules (no duplicate numbers in rows, columns, or boxes).
  • Output: Display the solved puzzle or indicate if the puzzle is unsolvable.

Which C++ project is best to start with?

The above list of C++ practice projects should be enough to get you started. A lot of the projects above are easy to implement, so building them should not be difficult. A beginner should start with projects like Currency Converter, Calculator, and Address Book. These projects will have some small challenges that you should try to solve.

Then, you can move towards projects like Tic-Tac-Toe, and Student Management System as these will require more time. The idea is to continue building these projects so that one improves their understanding of the language.


C++ is one of the most relevant programming languages in today’s world. The best way to practice coding knowledge is by creating simple C++ projects for beginners. This also helps one if one is looking to get a job as it helps prove to recruiters that you have an understanding of the language!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Which is the easiest C++ project to start with?

A beginner should start with simple project ideas like a Currency Converter, Calculator, or Address Book.

2) What are the best C++ project ideas?

Some of the most popular C++ project ideas are a Student Management System, a Tic-Tac-Toe game, a Stopwatch, and a Billing system.

3) Why build projects as a beginner?

After learning the basics of programming, a beginner should build some coding projects to understand the concepts more thoroughly.

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About The Author
Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
Hi, I am Arkadyuti, a developer and open source enthusiast with quite some experience in content writing. I wish to make the switch to a full-stack developer one day.