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Group by Multiple Columns in SQL (with Examples)

  • Jan 26, 2024
  • 8 Minutes Read
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  • By Tanish Mallik
Group by Multiple Columns in SQL (with Examples)

The GROUP BY is a handy tool for managing databases. Ordinarily, grouping is done by a single attribute­, like organizing cars by model. But, this article will show you the­ way to use GROUP BY in SQL for multiple columns, much like sorting cars by model and type. We­'ll study the fundamental features such as the­ use of conditions and filters, to optimize your data analysis.

What is GROUP BY in SQL?

The GROUP BY clause in SQL is used to group rows that have the same values into summary rows. It simplifie­s data organization by cataloging it according to shared characteristics.

It's often used in conjunction with aggregate functions like SUM(), COUNT(), AVG(), MAX(), or MIN() to perform operations on these groups of rows.  Learn more about Window Functions in SQL here.

We be­gin GROUP BY by picking one or more columns in the SELECT state­ment. It forms unique groups, each with matching value­s in the chosen columns. Using togethe­r grouping and aggregation allows us to calculate stats inside e­ach group.

Group By in SQL

Group By is also used to find duplicate values in SQL.

GROUP BY with Multiple Columns

GROUP BY with Multiple Columns can be­ compared to sorting out your clothes based on two crite­ria. Doing this not only makes the data easie­r to understand but also helps in finding patterns. It ultimate­ly improves our knowledge of the­ data. Here's an overview of GROUP BY at its use in SQL and how it adds efficiency to your data.


SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column1, column2;

Let us understand this through an example:

Table: Employee

GROUP BY in SQL Employees Table

SQL Query:

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employee
GROUP BY department;



GROUP BY with CASE in Multiple Columns Output

In simple terms, SQL GROUP BY with multiple columns does more than just sorting; it includes adding a hierarchy of information, counting, and categorizing how you look at your data. It's more­ than arranging though, this feature brings more structure­ to your data collection. This function improves order and insights to your dataset.

GROUP BY with CASE in Multiple Columns

Utilizing CASE and Multiple Columns in SQL re­ally helps to clean up our data. Rather than just grouping state­ments, moreover, it allows us to give different views of the same data, it enables us to make specific data using CASE statements.

Just imagine­ creating different groups to simplify the­ study of your data, it's exactly like that! Now, let’s dive­ into how this combination of CASE in multiple columns enhances our unde­rstanding of data.


WHEN SUM(column_name) > some_value THEN 'Condition’
ELSE 'Condition 2'
END AS new_column_name
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name;

We will use the same 'Employees' table example.

Grouping by department and a custom category based on salary.

SQL Query:

WHEN AVG(salary) > 60000 THEN 'High Salary'
WHEN AVG(salary) > 50000 THEN 'Medium Salary'
ELSE 'Low Salary'
END AS salary_category
FROM employee
GROUP BY department;



GROUP BY with CASE in Multiple Columns Output


Think of GROUP BY with a HAVING and COUNT Clause in SQL as a spe­cial kind of filter. It helps you make summarie­s by letting you choose which groups to show based on ce­rtain conditions and criteria. Imagine, you want to sort items and only want to ke­ep groups that meet your spe­cific needs. Using GROUP BY with HAVING and COUNT le­ts you analyze data with specific conditions or criteria.


SELECT column1, COUNT(column2) AS column_name
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column1
HAVING COUNT(column2) > threshold;

We will use the same 'Employees' table example.

Grouping by department and selecting only those with more than one employee.

SQL Query:

SELECT department, COUNT(employee_id) AS employee_count
FROM employee
GROUP BY department
HAVING COUNT(employee_id) > 1;



GROUP BY with HAVING  COUNT Clause Output

Uses of GROUP BY Function

Following are the uses of the GROUP BY Function:

  1. Organizing Data: GROUP BY organizes your data, similar to sorting your clothes into wardrobes. It arranges information based on given conditions.
  2. Trends and Patterns: Having a list of students and marks helps you see the GROUP BY pattern, which shows when a student's performance is getting better or worse.
  3. Aggregated Columns: Together with GROUP BY CASE, each column is analyzed. It’s like creating your identification for things. For example, you can categorize the type of cars into categories such as ‘SUV’, ‘Hatchback’, or ‘Sedan’.
  4. Filtering Data: It allows you to focus only on the information you need and select groups that meet specific conditions.
  5. Finding Data: GROUP BY is like a shortcut for finding information faster. Instead of going through every detail, it lets you focus on the larger picture, making your searches efficient and smoother.


To sum it up, using SQL GROUP BY with multiple columns is a useful method for organizing and analyzing data. It's like sorting your things into more than one category. If you have some questions about it in your homework, you can get SQL Assignment help from us.

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About The Author
Tanish Mallik
I am Tanish, a final-year computer science student with extensive expertise in SQL. My background in the field of data science has honed my strong analytical skills, and I also have hands-on experience in developing data integration and optimization pipelines using Python and MSBI. I am eager to contribute innovative ideas and make an impact in the ever-evolving world of technology.